A galvanometer has a coil of resistance with a full scale deflection at The value of resistance to be added to use it as an ammeter of range is [2024]
(B) and
A galvanometer of resistance when connected in series with measures a voltage of up to 10 V. The value of resistance required to convert the galvanometer into an ammeter to read up to 10 A is . The value of is [2024]
For voltmeter,
[IMAGE 190]
for ammeter
[IMAGE 191]
For ammeter
Let shunt resistance
Three voltmeters, all having different internal resistances are joined as shown in figure. When some potential difference is applied across A and B, their readings are ?, and ?. Choose the correct option. [2024]
[IMAGE 192]
A galvanometer having coil resistance shows a full scale deflection for a current of 3 mA. For it to measure a current of 8A, the value of the shunt should be: [2024]
In case of conversion of galvanometer into ammeter.
[IMAGE 193]
We have
The deflection in moving coil galvanometer falls from 25 divisions to 5 divisions when a shunt of is applied. The resistance of galvanometer coil will be ____ [2024]
Let current/division.
Without shunt,
[IMAGE 194]
After applying shunt,
[IMAGE 195]