The electric field between the two parallel plates of a capacitor of 1.5 capacitance drops to one third of its initial value in 6.6 when the plates are connected by a thin wire.
The resistance of this wire is __________ (Given, log 3 = 1.1) [2024]
The charge accumulated on the capacitor connected in the following circuit is ___________ (Given C = 150 ) [2024]
[IMAGE 184]
[IMAGE 185]
In the given figure, the charge stored in capacitor, when points A and B are joined by a connecting wire is ______ [2024]
[IMAGE 186]
At steady state, capacitor behaves as an open circuit and current flows in circuit as shown in the diagram.
[IMAGE 187]
So, potential difference across is 6 V.
In an electrical circuit drawn below the amount of charge stored in the capacitor is ________ . [2024]
[IMAGE 188]
[IMAGE 189]