Q 1 :    

A bullet is fired into a fixed target looses one third of its velocity after travelling 4cm. It penetrates further D×10-3 m before coming to rest. The value of D is                                                  [2024]

  • 32


  • 5


  • 3


  • 4


(A)  v2-u2=2as



        -5u29=-2a(4×10-2)                            ...(1)


       -4u29=-2ax                                            ...(2)




Q 2 :    

A particle is moving in a straight line. The variation of position 'x' as a function of time 't' is given as x=(t3-6t2+20t+15)m. The velocity of the body when its acceleration becomes zero is                                             [2024]

  • 6 m/s


  • 10 m/s


  • 8 m/s


  • 4 m/s


(C)  x=t3-6t2+20t+15



       When a=0


       At t=2sec



Q 3 :    

The relation between time 't' and distance 'x' is t=αx2+βx, where α and β are constants. The relation between acceleration (a) and velocity (v) is               [2024]

  • a=-2αv3


  • a=-2αv4


  • a=-2αv2


  • a=-2αv5


(A)  t=αx2+βx (differentiating wrt time)



       (differentiating wrt time) -1v2 dvdt=2αdxdt


Q 4 :    

A particle moves in a straight line so that its displacement x at any time t is given by x2=1+t2. Its acceleration at any time t is x-n where n=_____.       [2024]

(3)     x2=1+t2x=1+t2






Q 5 :    

A particle is moving in one dimension (along x-axis) under the action of a variable force. It's initial position was 16 m right of origin. The variation of its position (x) with time (t) is given as x=-3t3+18t2+16t, where x is in m and t in s. The velocity of the particle when its acceleration becomes zero is _____ m/s.            [2024]

(52)        x=3t3+18t2+16t



              a=0 at t=2 s




Q 6 :    

A particle initially at rest starts moving from reference point. x=0 along x-axis, with velocity v that varies as v=4x m/s. The acceleration of the particle is _____ ms-2.      [2024]

(8)           Given, v=4x






Q 7 :    

A train starting from rest first accelerates uniformly up to a speed of 80 km/h for time t, then it moves with a constant speed for time 3t. The average speed of the train for this duration of journey will be (in km/h) :              [2024]

  • 30


  • 80


  • 40


  • 70



Average speed=DistanceTime=12(t)(80)+80×3t4t

Vav=40t+240t4t=2804=70 km/hr


Q 8 :    

A particle moving in a straight line covers half the distance with speed 6 m/s. The other half is covered in two equal time intervals with speeds 9 m/s and 15 m/s respectively. The average speed of the particle during the motion is              [2024]

  • 8.8 m/s


  • 10 m/s


  • 9.2 m/s


  • 8 m/s






vav=48t2t+4t48t6t8 m/s