Topic Question Set

Q 1 :    

Select the correct route for the passage of sperms in male frogs.                     [2017]

  • Testes → Vasa efferentia → Kidney → Seminal vesicle → Urogenital duct → Cloaca


  • Testes → Vasa efferentia → Bidder's canal → Ureter → Cloaca


  • Testes → Vasa efferentia → Kidney → Bidder's canal → Urogenital duct → Cloaca


  • Testes → Bidder's canal → Kidney → Vasa efferentia → Urogenital duct → Cloaca



The correct route for the transport of sperms in male frogs is:

Testes → Vasa efferentia → Kidney → Bidder's canal → Urogenital duct → Cloaca.


Q 2 :    

Frog's heart, when taken out of the body, continues to beat for some time.                     [2017]
Select the best option from the following statements
(1) Frog is a poikilotherm.
(2) Frog does not have any coronary circulation.
(3) Heart is "myogenic" in nature.
(4) Heart is autoexcitable.

  • Only (4)


  • (1) and (2)


  • (3) and (4)


  • Only (3)



Frog's heart is myogenic, i.e., the heartbeat originates from the muscles of the heart. Hence, it is autorhythmic. Wave of contraction originates from sinus venosus and spreads to wall of sinus venosus and both auricles. This compels the heart to beat. Due to this reason, frog's heart will continue to beat as long as it gets a supply of ATP.