Q 1 :    

Which of the following statements is true?                       [2023]

  • All pteridophytes exhibit haplo-diplontic pattern.


  • Seed bearing plants follow haplontic pattern.


  • Most algal genera are diplontic.


  • Most bryophytes do not have haplo-diplontic life cycle.



Pteridophytes exhibit haplo-diplontic pattern in their life cycle. The diploid sporophyte represented by a dominant, independent, photosynthetic, vascular plant body alternates with multicellular, saprophytic or autotrophic, independent but short-lived haploid gametophyte. All seed-bearing plants, i.e., gymnosperms and angiosperms, follow diplontic pattern. Most algal genera are haplontic; some of them, such as Ectocarpus, Polysiphonia, and kelps, are haplo-diplontic, and Fucus is diplontic. All bryophytes have haplo-diplontic life cycle.


Q 2 :    

Match the plant with the kind of life cycle it exhibits.                 [2022]

List-I List-II
(A) Spirogyra (i) Dominant diploid sporophyte, vascular plant, with highly reduced male or female gametophyte
(B) Fern (ii) Dominant haploid free-living gametophyte
(C) Funaria (iii) Dominant diploid sporophyte alternating with reduced gametophyte called prothallus
(D) Cycas (iv) Dominant haploid leafy gametophyte alternating partially dependent multicellular sporophyte


Choose the correct answer from the option below:

  • (A) – (iv), (B) – (i), (C) – (ii), (D) – (iii)


  • (A) – (ii), (B) – (iii), (C) – (iv), (D) – (i)


  • (A) – (iii), (B) – (iv), (C) – (i), (D) – (ii)


  • (A) – (ii), (B) – (iv), (C) – (i), (D) – (iii)




Q 3 :    

Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of              [2017]

  • Fucus


  • Funaria


  • Chlamydomonas


  • Marchantia



In Chlamydomonas, zygote divides by meiosis. It exhibits haplontic type of life cycle.


Q 4 :    

Life cycles of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively are:                    [2017]

  • diplontic, haplodiplontic


  • haplodiplontic, diplontic


  • haplodiplontic, haplontic


  • haplontic, diplontic



Ectocarpus possesses haplodiplontic whereas Fucus possesses diplontic life cycle.