Q 1 :    

One scientist cultured Cladophora in a suspension of Azotobacter and illuminated the culture by splitting light through a prism. He observed that bacteria accumulated mainly in the region of:   [2019]

  • Violet and green light


  • Indigo and green light


  • Orange and yellow light


  • Blue and red light




Q 2 :    

Oxygen is not produced during photosynthesis by:  [2018]

  • Green sulphur bacteria


  • Nostoc


  • Cycas


  • Chara



Green sulphur bacteria do not have the ability to use water as an electron donor (or cannot oxidise water), instead they perform photosynthesis using sulfide. Therefore, they do not evolve oxygen during photosynthesis.


Q 3 :    

Anoxygenic photosynthesis is characteristic of:    [2014]

  • Rhodospirillum


  • Spirogyra


  • Chlamydomonas


  • Ulva



In Rhodospirillum, the electron donor is an organic compound instead of water; hence no oxygen is released, i.e., anoxygenic photosynthesis occurs. In other plants, water is used as an electron donor, and H+and O2are produced during the photolysis of water.