Q. 1

Which of the following is correct with reference to haemodialysis?
 a) Absorbs and resends excess of ions
 b) The dialysis unit has a coiled cellophane tube
 c) Blood is pumped back through a suitable artery after haemodialysis
 d) Anti-heparin is added prior to haemodialysis

Q. 2

Polyuria is a condition in which
 a) Amount of urine pass out is more         b)    Amount of urine pass out is less
 c) No urine pass out                                  d)    No urine formation

Q. 3

Glucose, Na, and amino acid are actively transported substances, because
 a) Their movement occurs according to concentration gradient
 b) Their movement occurs against concentration gradient
 c) ATP is not needed for transportation
 d) They are transported by simple diffusion

Q. 4

With respect to mode of excretion bony fishes are?
 a) Osmoconformers           b) Ammonotelic             c)    Uricotelic      d) Uriotelic

Q. 5

Identify the true statements and choose the correct option accordingly
I. Blood vessel leading to the glomerulus is called efferent arteriole
II. Vasa-recta, peritubular capillaries and glomerulus, all have blood
III. Cortical nephrons have highly reduced vasa-recta
IV. Vasa-recta runs parallel to the Henle’s loop in the juaxta-medullary nephron
 a) I, II and III         b) I, II and IV            c)    I, III and IV           d)    II, III and IV

Q. 6

The yellow colour of urine is due to the presence of
a) Urea          b) Uric acid         c) Urochrome        d) Bilirubin

Q. 7

Choose the correct statements
 a) Sebaceous gland eliminate sterols, hydrocarbons, waxes
 b) Secretion of sebaceous gland provide oily protective covering of skin
 c) Small amount of nitrogenous wastes eliminated through saliva
 d) All of the above

Q. 8

Choose the correct option with respect to the maximum urea level
 a) Renal vein        b)    Hepatic vein        c)    Pulmonary artery    d) Pulmonary vein

Q. 9

Renin is secreted from
 a) Juxtaglomerular cells    b) Podocytes       c) Nephridia        d) Stomach

Q. 10

Choose the correct ones
I. Vasa recta is lacking in cortical nephrons
II. Maximum number of nephrons in kidney are juxta-medullary type
III. DCT of many nephorns open into collecting tubule
IV. During summer when body loses lot of water by evaporation, the release  of ADH is suppressed
V. When someone drinks lot of water, ADH release is suppressed
VI. Exposure to cold temperature stimulates ADH release
VII. An increase in glomerular blood flow stimulates formation of angiotensin II
The correct option is
 a) All except I and IV         b)    All except V and VII         c)    All except I and V    d) All except II and VI

Q. 11

All Bowman’s capsules of the kidney are found in
 a) Pelvis                   b) Medulla                c) Cortex                 d) None of these

Q. 12

Human kidneys can produce urine nearly
 a) Three times concentrated than initial filtrate
 b) Four times concentrated than initial filtrate
 c) Five times concentrated than initial filtrate
 d) Six times concentrated than initial filtrate

Q. 13

Mammals excrete
 a) Urea         b) Uric acid           c) Ammonia            d)  All of these

Q. 14

Medullary gradient is mainly developed due to
 a) NaCl and urea               b) NaCl and glucose
 c) Glucose and urea          d) Ammonia and glucose

Q. 15

An adult human excretes on an average
 a) 2-3 litres of urine per day         b)    1-1.5 litres of urine per day
 c) 2-5 litres of urine per day         d)    4-5 litres of urine per day

Q. 16

Ammonia produced by metabolism is convered into the …A… in the …B… in ureotelic and released into the blood, which is filtered and excreted out by …C…
Choose the appropriate options for A, B and C to complete the given NCERT statement
 a) A-uric acid, B-spleen, C-kidney                 b) A-uric acid, B-liver, C-kidney
 c) A-urea, B-liver, C-kidney                            d) A-urea, B-spleen, C-kidney

Q. 17

How much percentage of the filtrate is reabsorbed in the renal tubules?
 a) 5%             b)  25%              c)  90%              d) 99%

Q. 18

Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to salt water balance inside the body of living organisms?
 a) When water is not available camels do not produce urine but store urea in tissues
 b) Salmon fish excretes lot of stored salt through gill membrane when in fresh water
 c) Paramecium discharges concentrated salt solution by contractile vacuoles
 d) The body fluids of freshwater animals are generally hypotonic to surrounding water

Q. 19

Find the correct option regarding mechanism of urine formation in man.
 a) The glomerular filtration rate is about 125 mL/min
 b) The ultra filtration is opposed by the colloidal osmotic pressure of plasma
 c) Tubular secretion takes place in the PCT
 d) Aldosterone induces greater reabsorption of sodium

Q. 20

Functions of ADH
I. reabsorption of water from distal tubules
II. secretion of water from distal tubules
III. construction of blood vessels
IV. dilatation of blood vessels
V. increase the blood flow
VI. decrease the blood flow

Choose the correct combination of given functions from given option
 a) I, III, IV and V      b) I, IV and V    c) I, III and V         d)    II, IV and VI

Q. 21

Which of the following is responsible for excretion of dilute urine?
 a) More secretion of insulin            b) Less secretion of vasopressin
 c) More secretion of Aldosterone    d) Less secretion of glucagon

Q. 22

The size of filtration slits of glomerulus is 
 a) 10 nm         b) 15 nm        c) 20 nm        d) 25 nm

Q. 23

Indication of diabetes mellitus is/are
 a) Presence of glucose in urine    b) Presence of ketone bodies in urine
 c) Presence of amino acid in urine    d) Both (a) and (b)

Q. 24

The vital morphological and physiological units of mammalian kidney are
 a) Ureters                     b)    Uriniferous tubule
 c) Nephridia                  d)    Seminiferous tubules

Q. 25

If you take large amount of protein then you will likely to excrete large amount of the
 a) Uric acid       b) Urea        c) Ammonia       d) Amino acid