The process of naming of living organisms is called
None of these
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Identification of an organism means
Its correct description
Its correct classification
Its correct nomenclature
All of these
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ICBN stands for
International Code for Biological Naming
International Centre for Botanical Nomenclature
Indian Code for Biological Nomenclature
International Code for Botanical Nomenclature
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Choose the correct statement about scientific names
They ensure that each organism has only one name
Description of any organism should enable the people to arrive at the same name
They ensure that such a name has not been used for any other organism
All of these
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The system of providing a name with two components is called
trinomial nomenclature
binomial nomenclature
uninominal nomenclature
none of these
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The naming system, which is practised by biologists all over the world, was given by
Carolus Linnaeus
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In Mangifera indica Linn., the specific epithet is
Both A. and B.
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Choose the incorrect statement about rules of nomenclature.
Biological names are generally given in Latin
The first word in biological name represents the genus while the second component denotes the specific epithet
When hand written, both words of biological names are separately underlined
Both the words of biological name start with capital letter
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Which of the following is against the rules of ICBN?
Handwritten scientific names should be underlined
Every species should have a generic name and a specific epithet
Scientific names are in latin and should be italized
Generic and specific names should be written starting with small letters
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Biological names are generally written in
Greek language
Latin language
English language
Hindi language
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