Q 1 :    

Match List I with List II.                           [2024]

List I List II
A. Rhizopus I. Mushroom
B. Ustilago II. Smut fungus
C. Puccinia III. Bread mould
D. Agaricus IV. Rust fungus


Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  • A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I


  • A-I, B-III, C-II, D-IV


  • A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV


  • A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I



Rhizopus is a phycomycetes that causes black bread mould, Ustilago is known as smut fungus, Puccinia causes rust of wheat, and Agaricus is an edible mushroom.


Q 2 :    

Which one of the following is not a criterion for classification of fungi?                [2024]

  • Morphology of mycelium


  • Mode of nutrition


  • Mode of spore formation


  • Fruiting body



The criteria for the division of the kingdom fungi into various classes, i.e., ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, phycomycetes, and deuteromycetes, is morphology of the mycelium, mode of spore formation, and fruiting bodies form.


Q 3 :    

Which of the following statements is correct?          [2021]

  • Some of the organisms can fix atmospheric nitrogen in specialised cells called sheath cells.


  • Fusion of two cells is called karyogamy.


  • Fusion of protoplasms between two motile or non-motile gametes is called plasmogamy.


  • Organisms that depend on living plants are called saprophytes.



Some of the cyanobacteria like Nostoc can fix nitrogen in specialised cells called heterocysts. Fusion of two nuclei is called karyogamy. Organisms that depend on living plants and animals are called parasites.


Q 4 :    

Which of the following statements is incorrect?                [2019]

  • Yeasts have filamentous bodies with long thread-like hyphae.


  • Morels and truffles are edible delicacies.


  • Claviceps is a source of many alkaloids and LSD.


  • Conidia are produced exogenously and ascospores endogenously.



Yeast is a non-mycelial unicellular ascomycetes fungus.


Q 5 :    

Match column -I with column -II.                     [2019]

Column-I Column-II
A. Saprophyte (i) Symbiotic association of fungi with plant roots
B. Parasite (ii) Decomposition of dead organic materials
C. Lichens (iii) Living on living plants or animals
D. Mycorrhiza (iv) Symbiotic association of algae and fungi


Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

  • A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)


  • A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(iv)


  • A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iv)


  • A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(iv)




Q 6 :    

Which among the following is not a prokaryote?                [2018]

  • Saccharomyces


  • Mycobacterium


  • Nostoc


  • Oscillatoria



Saccharomyces, i.e., yeast, is a eukaryote unicellular fungus. Prokaryotes include bacteria (Mycobacterium), cyanobacteria (Nostoc and Oscillatoria), mycoplasma, and archaebacteria.


Q 7 :    

After karyogamy followed by meiosis, spores are produced exogenously in           [2018]

  • Neurospora


  • Alternaria


  • Agaricus


  • Saccharomyces



In Agaricus (member of Basidiomycetes), basidium commonly produces four meiospores or basidiospores exogenously. Neurospora (member of Ascomycetes) produces ascospores, endogenously inside the fruiting body, ascus. Alternaria (member of Deuteromycetes) does not produce any sexual spores. Saccharomyces (member of Ascomycetes) produces ascospores endogenously.


Q 8 :    

Which one of the following is wrong for fungi?            [2016]

  • They are eukaryotic.


  • All fungi possess a purely cellulosic cell wall.


  • They are heterotrophic.


  • They are both unicellular and multicellular.



Cell wall in fungi is composed of chitin, a polysaccharide comprising N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (a derivative of glucose).


Q 9 :    

Which one of the following statements is wrong?                   [2016]

  • Eubacteria are also called false bacteria.


  • Phycomycetes are also called algal fungi.


  • Cyanobacteria are also called blue-green algae.


  • Golden algae are also called desmids.



Eubacteria are also called true bacteria.


Q 10 :    

One of the major components of cell wall of most fungi is                 [2016]

  • cellulose


  • hemicellulose


  • chitin


  • peptidoglycan



Fungal cell wall contains chitin or fungal cellulose along with other polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and a number of other substances.