Q. 1

The sum of the first 20 terms of the series 5 + 11 + 19 + 29 + 41 + ... is

(A) 3450                      (B) 3420                   (C) 3520                     (D) 3250

Q. 2

If gcd (m, n) = 1 and 12-22+32-42+...+(2021)2-(2022)2+(2023)2=1012 m2n, then m2-n2 is equal to

(A) 200                       (B) 180                     (C) 220                   (D) 240

Q. 3

If Sn=4+11+21+34+50+... to n terms, then 160(S29-S9) is equal to

(A) 223                         (B) 220                         (C) 226                       (D) 227

Q. 4

Let S1,S2,S3, ............ S10 respectively be the sum to 12 terms of 10 A.P. whose first terms are 1, 2, 3, ....... 10 and the common difference are 1, 3, 5, .........., 19 respectively. Then i=110Si is equal to

(A) 7220                       (B) 7380                    (C) 7260                     (D) 7360

Q. 5

If an=-24n2-16n+15, then a1+a2+...+a25 is equal to

(A) 52/147                    (B) 50/141                    (C) 51/144               (D) 49/138

Q. 6

Let a1,a2,a3,.... be an A.P. If a7=3, the product a1a4 is minimum and the sum of its first n terms is zero, then n!-4an(n+2) is equal to

(A) 381/4                       (B) 9                     (C) 33/4                    (D) 24

Q. 7

The sum of all those terms, of the arithmetic progression 3, 8, 13,..., 373, which are not divisible by 3, is equal to __________ .

Q. 8

Let the digits a, b, c be in A.P. Nine-digit numbers are to be formed using each of these three digits thrice such that three consecutive digits are in A.P. at least once. How many such numbers can be formed?

Q. 9

Let a1=8,a2,a3,...,an be an A.P. If the sum of its first four terms is 50 and the sum of its last four terms is 170, then the product of its middle two terms is _________ .

Q. 10

The sum of the common terms of the following three arithmetic progressions.

3, 7, 11, 15, .., 399,

2, 5, 8, 11, ..., 359 and 2, 7, 12, 17, ..., 197, is equal to ________ .

Q. 11

Let A1,A2,A3 be the three A.P. with the same common difference d and having their first terms as A, A + 1, A + 2, respectively. Let a,b,c be the 7th,9th,17th terms of A1,A2,A3, respectively such that |a712b171c171|+70=0.

If a=29, then the sum of first 20 terms of an A.P. whose first term is c-a-b and common difference is d12, is equal to ________ .


Q. 12

The 8th common term of the series


S2=1+6+11+16+21+.... .

is _________ .

Q. 13

Let a1,a2,....,an be in A.P. If a5=2a7 and a11=18, then 12(1a10+a11+1a11+a12+...+1a17+a18) is equal to _______ .

Q. 14

Number of 4-digit numbers that are less than or equal to 2800 and either divisible by 3 or by 11, is equal to _________ .

Q. 15

Let the first term a and the common ratio r of a geometric progression be positive integers. If the sum of squares of its first three terms is 33033, then the sum of these three terms is equal to

(A) 231                       (B) 241                    (C) 210                      (D) 220

Q. 16

Let a1,a2,a3,...... be a G.P. of increasing positive numbers. Let the sum of its 6th and 8th terms be 2 and the product of its 3rd and 5th terms be 19. Then 6(a2+a4)(a4+a6) is equal to

(A) 22                        (B) 2                     (C) 3                   (D) 33

Q. 17

For three positive integers p,q,r,xpq2=yqr=zp2r and r=pq+1 such that 3,3logyx,3logzy, 7logxz are in A.P. with common difference 1/2. The r-p-q is equal to

(A) 6                           (B) 2                     (C) 12                        (D) - 6 

Q. 18

Let a,b,c>1,a3,b3 and c3 be in A.P., and logab,logca and logbc be in G.P. If the sum of first 20 terms of an A.P., whose first term is 

a+4b+c3 and the common difference is a-8b+c10 is -444, then abc is equal to

(A) 343                        (B) 216                      (C) 3438                    (D) 1258

Q. 19

If the sum and product of four positive consecutive terms of a G.P., are 126 and 1296, respectively, then the sum of common ratios of all such GPs is

(A) 92                         (B) 3                       (C) 7                        (D) 14

Q. 20

Let 0<z<y<x be three real numbers such that 1x,1y,1z are in an arithmetic progression and x,2y,z are in a geometric progression. If xy+yz+zx=32xyz, then 3(x+y+z)2 is equal to _________ .

Q. 21

Suppose a1,a2,2,a3,a4 be in an arithmetic geometric progression. If the common ratio of the corresponding geometric progression is 2 and the sum of all 5 terms of the arithmetico-geometric progression is 492, then a4 is equal to _______ .

Q. 22

Let S=109+1085+10752+...+25107+15108. Then the value of (16S-(25)-54) is equal to _________ .

Q. 23

For k, if the sum of the series 1+4k+8k2+13k3+19k4+... is 10, then the value of k is __________ .

Q. 24

The 4th term of GP is 500 and its common ratio is 1/m,mN. Let Sn denote the sum of the first n terms of this GP. If S6>S5+1 and S7<S6+12, then the number of possible values of m is _______ .

Q. 25

For the two positive numbers a,b, if a,b and 118 are in a geometric progression, while 1a, 10 and 1b are in an arithmetic progression, then 16a+12b is equal to ________ .

Q. 26

Let a1,a2,a3,..... be a GP of increasing positive numbers. If the product of fourth and sixth terms is 9 and the sum of fifth and seventh terms is 24, then a1a9+a2a4a9+a5+a7 is equal to________ .

Q. 27

Let {ak} and {bk} k, be two G.P.s with common ratios r1 and r2 respectively such that a1=b1=4 and r1<r2. Let ck=ak+bk, k. If c2=5 and c3=134 then k=1ck-(12a6+8b4) is equal to ________ .

Q. 28

Let a,b,c and d be positive real numbers such that a+b+c+d=11. If the maximum value of a5b3c2d is 3750β, then the value of β is

(A) 55                       (B) 108                     (C) 90                     (D) 110

Q. 29

Let A1 and A2 be two arithmetic means and G1,G2,G3 be three geometric means of two distinct positive numbers. Then G14+G24+G34+G12G32 is equal to

(A) 2(A1+A2)G12G32                      (B) (A1+A2)2G1G3

(C) (A1+A2)G12G32                         (D) 2(A1+A2)G1G3

Q. 30

Let Sk=1+2+...+kk and j=1nSj2=nA(Bn2+Cn+D), where A,B,C,DN and A has least value. Then

(A) A + B is divisible by D

(B) A + B + C + D is divisible by 5

(C) A + C + D is not divisible by B

(D) A + B = 5(D - C)

Q. 31

Let an be the nth term of the series 5 + 8 + 14 + 23 + 35 + 50 + ... and Sn=k=1nak. Then S30-a40 is equal to

(A) 11280                      (B) 11290                    (C) 11310                     (D) 11260

Q. 32

Let <an> be a sequence such that a1+a2+...+an=n2+3n(n+1)(n+2). If 28k=1101ak=p1p2p3...pm, where p1,p2,....,pm are the first m prime numbers, then m is equal to

(A) 5                      (B) 6                             (C) 7                        (D) 8

Q. 33

The sum to 10 terms of the series 11+12+14+21+22+24+31+32+34+... is

(A) 56111                   (B) 58111                   (C) 55111                    (D) 59111

Q. 34

The sum n=12n2+3n+4(2n)! is equal to

(A) 11e2+72e-4                                              (B) 11e2+72e

(C) 13e4+54e-4                                             (D) 13e4+54e

Q. 35

If (20)19+2(21)(20)18+3(21)2(20)17+....+20(21)19=k(20)19, then k is equal to _________ .

Q. 36

The sum to 20 terms of the series 2·22-32+2·42-52+2·62-.......... is equal to _______ .

Q. 37

If the sum of the series (12-13)+(122-12·3+132)+(123-122·3+12·32-133)+(124-123·3+122·32-12·33+134)+...

is αβ, where α and β are co-prime, then α+3β is equal to ________ .

Q. 38

If 13+23+33+... upto n terms1·3+2·5+3·7+... upto n terms=95, then the value of n is _______.

Q. 39

Let a1=b1=1 and an=an-1+(n-1),bn=bn-1+an-1,n2. If S=n=110 bn2n and T=n=18n2n-1, then 27(2S-T) is equal to _________ .

Q. 40

The sum 12-2·32+3·52-4·72+5·92-.....+15·292 is _______.