Q. 1

Let A=[aij]2×2, where aij=0 for all i,j and A2=I. Let a be the sum of all diagonal elements of A and b = |A|. Then 3a2+4b2 is equal to

(a) 3                              (b) 7                           (c) 4                            (d) 14

Q. 2

Let P be a square matrix such that P2=I-P. For α,β,γ,δ, if Pα+Pβ=γI-29P

and Pα-Pβ=δI-13P, then α+β+γ-δ is equal to

(a) 40                          (b) 22                        (c) 18                         (d) 24

Q. 3

Let P=[3212-1232],A=[1101] and Q=PAPT. If PT Q2007 P=[abcd], then 2a+b-3c-4d equal to

(a) 2006                          (b) 2004                              (c) 2005                               (d) 2007

Q. 4

Let A=[115101]. If B=[12-1-1] A[-1-211], then the sum of all the elements of the matrix n=150Bn is equal to

(a) 50                         (b) 100                              (c) 75                         (d) 125

Q. 5

The number of symmetric matrices of order 3, with all the entries from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} is

(a) 106                        (b) 109                      (c) 610                          (d) 910

Q. 6

If A=12[13-31], then

(a) A30-A25=2I                     (b) A30=A25                   (c) A30+A25-A=I                      (d) A30+A25+A=I

Q. 7

If A and B are two non-zero n×n matrices such that A2+B=A2B, then

(a) A2=I or B = I                    (b) A2B=BA2                       (c) AB=I                     (D) A2B=I

Q. 8

Let A=[110310-310110] and B=[1-i01], where i=-1. If M=ATB A, then the inverse of the matrix AM2023 AT is

(a) [1-2023i01]                     (b) [102023i1]                     (c) [12023i01]                    (d) [10-2023i1]

Q. 9

Let A, B, C be 3 x 3 matrices such that A is symmetric and B and C are skew-symmetric. Consider the statements

(S1) A13 B26-B26 A13 is symmetric

(S2) A26 C13-C13 A26 is symmetric


(a) Only S1 is true                                              (b) Both S1 and S2 are false

(c) Both S1 and S2 are true                               (d) Only S2 is true

Q. 10

Let α and β be real numbers. Consider a 3×3 matrix A such that A2=3A+αI. If A4=21A+βI, then

(a) β=-8                      (b) β=8                        (c) α=4                       (d) α=1

Q. 11

Let A=(10004-1012-3). Then the sum of the diagonal elements of the matrix (A+I)11 is equal to:

(a) 2050                               (b) 4094                               (c) 6144                                 (d) 4097

Q. 12

Let A=[012a031c0], where a,c. If A3=A and the positive value of a belongs to the interval (n-1,n], where n, then n is equal to ____________ .

Q. 13

Let A be a symmetric matrix such that |A|=2 and [21332] A=[12αβ].

If the sum of the diagonal elements of A is s, then βsα2 is equal to _________ .

Q. 14

Let A=[aij], aijZ[0,4], 1i, j2. The number of matrices A such that the sum of all entries is a prime number p(2,13) is _________ .

Q. 15

Let A be a 2 x 2 matrix with real entries such that A'=αA+I, where αR-{-1,1}. If det (A2-A)=4, then the sum of all possible values of α is equal to

(a) 0                               (b) 32                               (b) 52                               (d) 2

Q. 16

If |x+1xxxx+λxxxx+λ2|=98(103x+81), then λ,λ3 are the roots of the equation

(a) 4x2-24x+27=0                            (b) 4x2+24x+27=0

(c) 4x2-24x-27=0                            (d) 4x2+24x-27=0

Q. 17

Let α be a root of the equation (a-c)x2+(b-a)x+(c-b)=0

where a, b, c are distinct real numbers such that the matrix [α2α1111abc] is singular. Then, the value of 

(a-c)2(b-a)(c-b)+(b-a)2(a-c)(c-b)+(c-b)2(a-c)(b-a) is

(a) 6                               (b) 3                             (c) 9                     (d) 12

Q. 18

The set of all values of t, for which the matrix [ete-t(sint-2cost)e-t(-2sint-cost)ete-t(2sint+cost)e-t(sint-2cost)ete-tcoste-tsint] is invertible, is

(a) {(2k+1)π2,k}                      (b)                       (c) {kπ+π4,k}                       (d) {kπ,k}

Q. 19

Let Dk=|12k2k-1nn2+n+2n2nn2+nn2+n+2|. If k=1nDk=96, then n is equal to _________ .

Q. 20

Let A=[21012-10-12]. If |adj(adj(adj 2A))| = (16)n, then n is equal to

(a) 9                             (b) 10                           (c) 12                            (d) 8

Q. 21

If A=[15λ10], A-1=αA+βI and α+β=-2, then 4α2+β2+λ2 is equal to

(a) 10                               (b) 14                             (c) 19                             (d) 12

Q. 22

If A is a 3×3 matrix and |A| = 2, then |3adj(|3A|A2)| is equal to

(a) 311.610                       (b) 312.611                      (c) 310.611                      (d) 312.610

Q. 23

If A=15!6!7![5!6!7!6!7!8!7!8!9!], then |adj(adj(2A))| is equal to

(a) 212                           (b) 220                          (c) 28                        (d) 216

Q. 24

Let B=[13α123αα4], α>2 be the adjoint of a matrix A and |A| = 2. Then [α-2α α] B[α-2αα] is equal to

(a) 0                          (b) 16                         (c) 32                               (d) - 16

Q. 25

Let for A=[123α31112], |A| = 2. If |2 adj (2 adj (2A))| = 32n, then 3n+α is equal to

(a) 10                               (b) 11                              (c) 9                           (d) 12

Q. 26

Let the determinant of a square matrix A of order m be m-n, where m and n satisfy 4m+n=22 and 17m+4n=93. If det (n adj (adj (mA)))=3a5b6c, then a+b+c is equal to

(a) 109                            (b) 101                           (c) 84                           (d) 96

Q. 27

Let A be a 3×3 matrix such that |adj(adj (adj A))| = 124. Then |A-1adjA| is equal to

(a) 1                            (b) 6                         (c) 12                      (d) 23

Q. 28

Let x,y,z>1 and A=[1logxylogxzlogyx2logyzlogzxlogzy3]. Then |adj (adj A2)| is equal to

(a) 48                            (b) 28                                 (c) 24                       (d) 64

Q. 29

Let A=(mnpq),d=|A|0 and |A - d(Adj A)| = 0. Then

(a) 1+d2=m2+q2                       (b) 1+d2=(m+q)2

(c) (1+d)2=m2+q2                     (d) (1+d)2=(m+q)2

Q. 30

If P is a 3×3 real matrix such that PT=aP+(a-1)I, where a>1, then

(a) |Adj P|>1                                (b) |Adj P|=12

(c) P is a singular matrix                      (d) |Adj P|=1

Q. 31

Let A be a n×n matrix such that |A| = 2. If the determinant of the matrix Adj(2·Adj(2A-1)) is 284, then n is equal to __________ .

Q. 32

If the system of equations




has infinitely many solutions, then 2a+3b is equal to

(a) 20                               (b) 25                                  (c) 28                                (d) 23

Q. 33

For the system of equations x+y+z=6, x+2y+αz=10, x+3y+5z=β, which one of the following is not true?

(a) System has infinitely many solutions for α=3, β=14.

(b) System has no solution for α=3, β=24.

(c) System has a unique solution for α=3, β14.

(d) System has a unique solution for α=-3, β=14.

Q. 34

Let S be the set of all values of θ[-π,π] for which the system of linear equations




has non-trivial solution. Then 120πθSθ is equal to

(a) 30                              (b) 10                           (c) 40                             (d) 20

Q. 35

For the system of linear equations 2x-y+3z=5; 3x+2y-z=7; 4x+5y+αz=β, which of the following is NOT correct?

(a) The system has infinitely many solutions for α=-6 and β=9

(b) The system has infinitely many solutions for α=-5 and β=9

(c) The system has a unique solution for α-5 and β=8

(d) The system is inconsistent for α=-5 and β=8

Q. 36

If the system of linear equations




has infinitely many solutions, then α+β+2 is equal to:

(a) 4                              (b) 3                           (c) 6                                (d) 5

Q. 37

For the system of linear equations




which of the following is NOT correct?

(a) It has infinitely many solutions if a = 3, b = 8

(b) It has infinitely many solutions if a = 3, b = 6

(c) It has unique solution if a = b = 8

(d) It has unique solution if a = b = 6

Q. 38

If the system of equations 2x+y-z=52x-5y+λz=μx+2y-5z=7 has infinitely many solutions, then (λ+μ)2+(λ-μ)2 is equal to

(a) 912                              (b) 916                                 (c) 904                              (d) 920

Q. 39

Let the system of linear equations





has a unique solution x=α, y=β, z=γ. Then the distance of the point (α,β,γ) from the plane 2x-2y+z=λ is

(a) 9                             (b) 7                              (c) 13                          (d) 11

Q. 40

Let S denote the set of all real values of λ such that the system of equations

λx+y+z=1, x+λy+z=1, x+y+λz=1 is inconsistent, then λS(|λ|2+|λ|) is equal to

(a) 12                             (b) 4                               (c) 2                             (d) 6

Q. 41

For the system of linear equations αx+y+z=1, x+αy+z=1, x+y+αz=β, which one of the following statements is NOT correct?

(a) It has infinitely many solutions if α=2 and β=-1

(b) x+y+z=34 if α=2 and β=1

(c) It has infinitely many solutions if α=1 and β=1

(d) It has no solution if α=-2 and β=1

Q. 42

Let N denote the number that turns up when a fair die is rolled. If the probability that the system of equations




has unique solution is k/6, then the sum of value of k and all possible values of N is

(a) 18                              (b) 19                           (c) 20                               (d) 21

Q. 43

If the system of equations




has infinitely many solutions, then the ordered pair (λ,μ) is equal to

(a) (725,-215)                     (b) (725,215)                      (c) (-725,-215)                        (d) (-725,215)

Q. 44

Let S1 and S2 be respectively the sets of all aR-{0} for which the system of linear equations




has unique solution and infinitely many solutions. Then

(a) S1=Φ and S2=R-{0}

(b) S1 is an infinite set and n(S2)=2

(c) S1=R-{0} and S2=Φ

(d) n(S1)=2 and S2 is an infinite set

Q. 45

Consider the following system of equations




for some α,β. Then which of the following is NOT correct.

(a) It has no solution if α=-1 and β2

(b) It has no solution for α=-1 and for all β.

(c) It has a solution for all α-1 and β=2

(d) It has no solution for α=3 and for all β2

Q. 46

Let the system of linear equations




have infinitely many solutions. Then the system




(a) infinitely many solutions

(b) unique solution satisfying x-y=1

(c) no solution

(d) unique solution satisfying x+y=1

Q. 47

For α,β,R, suppose the system of linear equations




has infinitely many solutions. Then α and β are the roots of

(a) x2-18x+56=0                     (b) x2+14x+24=0

(c) x2-10x+16=0                     (d) x2+18x+56=0

Q. 48

For the system of linear equations x+y+z=6; αx+βy+7z=3; x+2y+3z=14, which of the following is NOT true?

(a) If α=β and α7, then the system has a unique solution

(b) There is a unique point (α,β) on the line x+2y+18=0 for which the system has infinitely many solutions

(c) For every point (α,β)(7,7) on the line x-2y+7=0, the system has infinitely many solutions

(d) If α=β=7, then the system has no solution

Q. 49

Let S be the set of values of λ, for which the system of equations



3x+2y+3λz=λ has no solution. Then 12  λS|λ| is equal to ________ .