Q. 1

Let a1, a2, a3, .., an be n positive consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression. If d>0 is its common difference, then 

limndn(1a1+a2+1a2+a3+...+1an-1+an) is

Q. 2


(S1): limn1n2(2+4+6+...+2n)=1

(S2): limn1n16(115+215+315+....+n15)=116

Q. 3

limn{(212-213)(212-215)....(212-212n+1)} is equal to

Q. 4

limx0((1-cos2(3x)cos3(4x))(sin3(4x)(loge(2x+1))5)) is equal to _____ .

Q. 5

If α>β>0 are the roots of the equation ax2+bx+1=0, and limx1α(1-cos(x2+bx+a)2(1-αx)2)12=1k(1β-1α), then k is equal to

Q. 6

If limx0eax-cos(bx)-cxe-cx21-cos(2x)=17, then 5a2+b2 is equal to

Q. 7

limt0 (11sin2t+21sin2t+...+n1sin2t)sin2t is equal to

Q. 8

The set of all values of a for which limxa([x-5]-[2x+2])=0, where [α] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to α is equal to

Q. 9

The value of

limx1+2-3+4+5-6+...+(3n-2)+(3n-1)-3n2n4+4n+3-n4+5n+4 is

Q. 10

Let x=2 be a root of the equation x2+px+q=0 and 


Then limx2p+[f(x)], where [·] denotes greatest integer function, is


Q. 11

Let f,g and h be the real valued functions defined on R

f(x)={x|x|,x01,x=0, g(x)={sin(x+1)(x+1),x-11,x=-1

and h(x)=2[x]-f(x), where [x] is the greatest integerx. Then the value of limx1g(h(x-1)) is

Q. 12


Q. 13

If 2xy+3yx=20, then dydx at (2,2) is equal to

Q. 14

Let f(x)=sinx+cosx-2sinx-cosx,x[0,π]-{π4}. Then

f(7π12)f''(7π12) is equal to

Q. 15

Let f(x)=[x2-x]+|-x+[x]|, where x and [t]

denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to t. Then, f is

Q. 16

Let f and g be two functions defined by

f(x)={x+1,x<0|x-1|,x0 and g(x)={x+1,x<01,x0

Then (gof) (x) is

Q. 17

For the differentiable function f:-{0},

let 3f(x)+2f(1x)=1x-10, then |f(3)+f'(14)| is equal to

Q. 18

Let [x] denote the greatest integer function and f(x)=max{1+x+[x],2+x,x+2[x]}, 0x2.

Let m be the number of points in [0, 2], where f is not continuous and n be the number of points in (0, 2), 

where f is not differentiable. Then (m+n)2+2 is equal to

Q. 19

If y(x)=xx,x>0, then y''(2)-2y'(2) is equal to

Q. 20

Let f(x)={x2sin(1x),x00,x=0

Then at x = 0

Q. 21

If f(x)=x3-x2f'(1)+xf''(2)-f'''(3),xR, then

Q. 22

Let y(x)=(1+x)(1+x2)(1+x4)(1+x8)(1+x16).

Then y'-y'' at x=-1 is equal to:

Q. 23

If the function

f(x)={(1+|cosx|)λ|cosx|,0<x<π2μ,x=π2cot 6xe cot 4x,π2<x<π

is continuous at x=π2, then 9λ+6logeμ+μ6-e6λ is equal to

Q. 24

Let f and g be twice differentiable function on  such that




Then which of the following is NOT true?

Q. 25

Let a and [t] be the greatest integer t. Then the number of points, where the function 

f(x)=[a+13sinx]x(0,π) is not differentiable, is _________ .

Q. 26

If aα is the greatest term in the sequence an=n3n4+147, n=1,2,3,......, then α is equal to _______ .

Q. 27

Let k and m be positive real numbers such that the function

f(x)={3x2+kx+1,0<x<1mx2+k2,x1 is differentiable for all x>0.

Then 8f'(8)f'(18) is equal to _______________ .

Q. 28

Let f:(-2,2)R be defined by f(x)={x[x],-2<x<0(x-1)[x],0x<2 where [x] denotes the

greatest integer function. If m and n respectively are the number of points in

(-2, 2) at which y=|f(x)| is not continuous and not differentiable, then m + n is equal to _______ .

Q. 29

Let [x] be the greatest integer x. Then the number of points in the interval (-2, 1),

where the function f(x)=|[x]|+x-[x] is discontinuous, is _____ .

Q. 30

Let f(x)=k=110kxk, x. If 2f(2)+f'(2)=119 (2)n+1 then n is equal to ________ .

Q. 31

If f(x)=x2+g'(1)x+g''(2) and g(x)=f(1)x2+xf'(x)+f''(x),

then the value of f(4)-g(4) is equal to _______ .

Q. 32

Let f: be a differentiable function that satisfies the relation

f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)-1,x,y. If f'(0)=2, then |f(-2)| is equal to _________ .

Q. 33

The distance of the point (6,-22) from the common tangent y=mx+c,m>0,

of the curves x=2y2 and x=1+y2 is

Q. 34

The number of points on the curve y=54x5-135x4-70x3+180x2+210x at which the normal lines

are parallel to x+90y+2=0 is

Q. 35

Let a common tangent to the curves y2=4x and (x-4)2+y2=16 touch the curves at the points P and Q.

Then (PQ)2 is equal to ________________ .

Q. 36

Let the quadratic curve passing through the point (-1,0) and touching the line y=x at (1, 1) be

y=f(x). Then the x-intercept of the normal to the curve at the point (α,α+1) in the first quadrant is _______ .

Q. 37

If the equation of the normal to the curve y=x-a(x+b)(x-2) at the point (1,-3) is

x-4y=13, then the value of a+b is equal to ________ .

Q. 38

Let g(x)=f(x)+f(1-x) and f''(x)>0,x(0,1). If g is decreasing in the interval (0,α) and increasing in the interval (α,1), then

tan-1(2α)+tan-1(1α)+tan-1(α+1α) is equal to


Q. 39

Let f:[2,4]R be a differentiable function such that (xlogex)f'(x)+(logex)f(x)+f(x)1, x[2, 4] with f(2)=12 and f(4)=14.

Consider the following two statements.

(A):f(x)1, for all x[2,4]

(B):f(x)18, for all x[2,4]


Q. 40

Let f:(0,1) be a function defined by f(x)=11-e-x and g(x)=(f(-x)-f(x)). Consider two statements

(I) g is an increasing function in (0, 1)

(II) g is one-one in (0, 1)


Q. 41

A square piece of tin of side 30 cm is to be made into a box without top by cutting a square from each corner and folding up the flaps to form a box. If the volume of the box is maximum, then its surface area (in cm2) is equal to

Q. 42

If the local maximum value of the function f(x)=(3e2sinx)sin2xx(0,π2) is ke, then (ke)8+k8e5+k8 is equal to


Q. 43


Q. 44

Let f(x)=2x+tan-1x and g(x)=loge(1+x2+x), x[0,3]. Then

Q. 45

Let f(x)=|1+sin2xcos2xsin2xsin2x1+cos2xsin2xsin2xcos2x1+sin2x|,x[π6,π3].

If α and β respectively are the maximum and the minimum values of f, then

Q. 46

The sum of the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function f(x)=|x2-5x+6|-3x+2 in the interval [-1,3] is equal to

Q. 47

Let x=2 be a local minima of the function f(x)=2x4-18x2+8x+12,x(-4,4). If M is local maximum value of the function

f in (-4, 4), then M =

Q. 48

Let the function f(x)=2x3+(2p-7)x2+3(2p-9)x-6 have a maxima for some value of x<0 and a

minima for some value of x>0.Then, the set of all values of p is

Q. 49

If the functions f(x)=x33+2bx+ax22 and g(x)=x33+ax+bx2,

a2b have a common extreme point, then a+2b+7 is equal to

Q. 50

A wire of length 20 m is to be cut into two pieces. A piece of length l1 is bent to make a square of area A1

and the other piece of length l2 is made into a circle of area A2. If 2A1+3A2 is minimum then (πl1):l2 is equal to:

Q. 51

The number of points, where the curve y=x5-20x3+50x+2 crosses the x-axis, is _______ .

Q. 52

Consider the triangles with vertices A(2, 1), B(0, 0) and C(t, 4), t[0,4]. If the maximum and the minimum perimeters of such triangles are obtained at t=α and t=β respectively, then 6α+21β is equal to ___________ .