Q. 1

What are those structures that appear as ‘beads-on-string’ in the chromosomes when viewed under electron microscope?
a) Nucleotides         b)    Nucleosomes         c)    Base pairs    d)Genes

Q. 2

The two polynucleotide chains in DNA are
  a) Parallel             b) Discontinuous              c) Antiparallel            d) Semi-conservative

Q. 3

Centrosome is not present in
    a)  Cell of higher plants                b)    Cell of lower plants
    c)  Cell of higher animals             d)    Cell of lower animals

Q. 4

Channel proteins are involved in
a) Transport of enzymes                 b)    Water transport
c) Active transport of ions               d)    Passive transport of ions

Q. 5

Part of chromosome after secondary constriction is called
 a) Centriole         b) Centromere          c) Chromomere        d) Satellite

Q. 6

Which is not true about spherosomes?
    a)  Arise from ER                                         b) Related to fat
    c)  Single membrane bound structure         d) Involved in photorespiration

Q. 7

Elaioplasts store
 a) Starch            b) Proteins
 c) Fats               d) Essential amino acids

Q. 8

Which of the following is the function of cytoskeleton?
a) Intracellular transport                         b) Maintenance of cell shape and structure
c) Support of the organelles                   d) All of the above

Q. 9

Vital stains are employed to study
a) Living cells         b)    Frozen tissues        c) Fresh tissues         d)    Preserved tissues

Q. 10

Which one of the following is not a plastid?
  a) Mitoplast           b) Chromoplast              c)  Chloroplast        d) Leucoplast

Q. 11

Which of these is wrongly matched?
    a) Chloroplasts      -  Chlorophyll                          b) Elaioplasts        -  Starch
    c) Chromoplasts    -  Carotenoids                        d) Amyloplasts       -  Carbohydrates

Q. 12

In DNA structure, Nobel Prize was given to
    a) Macria Wilkins    b) Franklin    c) Pauly    d) Watson and Crick

Q. 13

Which of the following statements are correct?
I. Human RBC is about 7.0 μm in diameter
II. Cytoplasm is the main arena of cellular activities
III. The shape of the cells may vary with the function they perform
IV. Various chemical reactions occur in cytoplasm to keep the cell in the living state
Choose the correct option
    a) I, III and IV          b) I, IV and II         c)    I, II, III and IV         d) II, III and IV

Q. 14

In prokaryotic cells,
a) Internal compartments are absent    b) Nucleus is absent
c) Ribosomes are 70S                           d) All of the above

Q. 15

Which of the following statements regarding cilia is not correct?
 a) The organised beating of cilia is controlled by fluxes of Ca^+across the membrane
 b) Cilia are hair-like cellular appendages
 c) Microtubules of cilia are composed of tubulin
 d) Cilia contain an outer ring of nine doublet microtubules surrounding two single microtubules

Q. 16

Glycocalyx is associated with
 a) Nucleolus       b) Plasma membrane         c)    Nucleus         d)    Nucleosome

Q. 17

Cell theory was formulated by
 a) Schleiden and Schwann
 b) Rudolf Virchow
 c) Robert Brown
 d) Robert Hooke

Q. 18

The main organelle involved in modification and routine of newly synthesised proteins to their destination is
 a) Mitochondria        b) Endoplasmic reticulum
 c) Lysosome             d) Chloroplast

Q. 19

Plant and animal cells, both have
 a) Cell membrane and nucleolus          b)    Cell membrane and cell wall
 c) Nucleolus and chloroplast                d)    Nucleus and cell wall

Q. 20

DNA sequence that code for protein are known as
 a) Introns                     b) Exons
 c) Control regions        d) Intervening sequences

Q. 21

In eubacteria, a celluler component that resembles eukaryotic cells is
 a) Nucleus             b) Ribosomes             c) Cell wall              d) Plasma membrance

Q. 22

Pits are formed on the cell wall is due to lack of
 a) Cell plate                           b) Primary wall material
 c) Secondary wall material    d) Middle lamellum

Q. 23

The four basic shapes of bacteria are
        a) Amoeboid, elongated, biconcave and coccus        
        b) Elongated, bacillus, biconcave and amoeboid
        c) Bacillus, coccus, vibrio and spirillum        
        d) Bacillus, amoeboid, elongated and coccus

Q. 24

Which of the following elements is very essential for uptake and utilisation of Ca^(2+) and membrane function?
    a) Phosphorus       b) Molybdenum    c) Manganese     d) Boron