Q. 1

Which of the following structure is present inside the larynx of the respiratory system?
 a) Glottis          b)   Epiglottis                c)   Vocal cords        d)  None of these

Q. 2

Which of the following respiratory organs are present in spiders and scorpions?
 a) Book lungs             b) Gills               c) Gill books             d) Lungs

Q. 3

Nasopharynx opens through the …A… of the larynx region into the …B…
Choose the correct option for A and B to complete the given NCERT statement
 a) A-trachea, B-lungs         b)    A-trachea, B-glottis        c)    A-glottis, B-lungs       d) A-glottis, B-trachea

Q. 4

When temperature decreases oxyhaemoglobin curve will become
 a) More steep           b) Straight             c) Parabola         d) All of these

Q. 5

Skin is an accessory organ of respiration in
 a) Human             b) Frog               c)  Rabbit               d)   Lizard

Q. 6

At which thoracic vertebra does trachea divide into right and left primary bronchi?
a) 5             b) 6                   c) 9                   d) 4

Q. 7

The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air is 
 a) 45 mm Hg               b) 95 mm Hg                    c) 104 mm Hg              d) 110 mm Hg

Q. 8

Inspiration is initiated by
 a) Extension of the diaphragm        b)    Contraction of the diaphragm
 c) Extension of the lungs                d)    Contraction of the lungs

Q. 9

During normal respiration without any effort the volume of air inspired or expired is called
 a) Tidal volume          b) Reserve volume          c) Residual volume              d) None of these

Q. 10

Identify the different parts of the respiratory system in accordance to their location given below
I. Posterior part of the pharynx
II. Present at the glottis
III. In front of oesophagus
Choose the correct option accordingly
 a) I-Nasal cavity, II-Larynx, III-Bronchi    b) I-Nasopharynx, II-Epiglottis, III-Wind pipe
 c) I-Glottis, II-Larynx, III-Trachea            d) I-Larynx, II-Epiglottis, III-Trachea

Q. 11

What is vital capacity of our lungs?
 a) Inspiratory reserve volume plus tidal volume
 b) Total lung capacity minus expiratory reserve volume
 c) Inspiratory reserve volume plus expiratory reserve volume
 d) Total lung capacity minus residual volume

Q. 12

Left shift of oxyhaemoglobin curve is noticed under
 a) Normal temperature and pH                       b)    Low temperature and high pH
 c) Low pH and high temperature                    d)    Low pH and low temperature

Q. 13

Carbonic anhydrase is found in
 a) Blood              b) Plasma              c) Both (a) and (b)             d)    None of these

Q. 14

Which is called Hamburger shift?
 a) Hydrogen shift                   b) Bicarbonate shift                     c) Chloride shift                      d) Sodium shift

Q. 15

 Hiccups can be best described as
 a) Forceful sudden expiration         
 b) Jerky incomplete inspiration
 c) Vibration of the soft palate during breathing    
 d) Sign of indigestion

Q. 16

Dead space air in man is
 a) 500 mL               b) 150 mL                  c) 250 mL                d) 1.5 mL

Q. 17

Human beings have a significant ability to maintain and moderate the respiratory rhythm to suit the demands of the body tissues. This is achieved by
 a) Arterial system                          b)    Systemic vein system
 c) Neural system                           d)    Cardiac system

Q. 18

Identify which respiratory structure possesses the following features and choose the correct option accordingly
I. Found in mammals
II. Highly muscular and fibrous partition, elevated towards the thorax like a dome
III. Separates thoracic and abdominal cavity
 a) Pleural membrane            b) Phrenic muscle                    c) Diaphragm                d) Mediastinum

Q. 19

Haemoglobin is having maximum affinity with 
 a) Carbon dioxide                      b) Carbon monoxide               c) Oxygen                 d) Ammonia


Q. 20

Arrange the given steps of expiration in the sequence of event occurring first
I. Relaxation of the diaphragm and sternum
II. Reduction of the pulmonary volume
III. Expulsion of air from the lungs
IV. Increase in intra pulmonary pressure
Choose the correct option
 a) I → II → III → IV        b)    I → II → IV → III    c) IV → III → II → I       d) IV → II → III → I

Q. 21

Factors affecting the rate of diffusion is/are
 a) Pressure gradient                             b) Solubility of gases
 c) Thickness of membranes                 d) All of these

Q. 22

Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, which 
 a) Reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood                 b) Causes gastric ulcers
 c) Raises blood pressure                                                        d) Is carcinogenic

Q. 23

Which of the following diseases are occupational respiratory disorders?
 a) Silicosis, fibrosis and asbestosis         b)    Emphysema and mountain sickness
 c) Asthma and emphysema                    d)    Asthma and AIDS

Q. 24

In humans, exchange of gases occurs
 a) By diffusion    
 b) Between blood and tissue
 c) Between alveoli and pulmonary blood capillary    
 d) All of the above

Q. 25

About 1200 mL of air is always known to remain inside the human lungs. It is described as
 a) Inspiratory reserve volume        b)    Expiratory reserve volume
 c) Residual volume                       d)    Tidal volume

Q. 26

Exchange of gases in man takes place in
 a) Trachea          b) Bronchus                      c) Alveoli               d) All of these