Q. 1

Which of the following blood vessels in the circulatory system of frog has more deoxygenated blood?
 a) Pulmonary artery                         b)    Precaval veins
 c) Pulmocutaneous artery                d)    Pulmocutaneous vein

Q. 2

Which one indicates hypertension or high blood pressure (BP)
a) 120/80          b) 110/70              c) 130/80             d) 140/90

Q. 3

Identify the correct statement
I. The impulse of the heart beat originates from SAN
II. Rate of the heart is determined by SAN
III. Bundle of His/AV bundle is present in the interventricular septum
IV. Atrio Ventricular Node (AVN) is situated in the lower left corner of the right auricle

Choose the correct option
 a) All except II        b) All except I          c)    All except III          d)    All of these

Q. 4

Choose the correct pathway on the transmission of impulse in the heart beat.
 a) AV-node  →  SA-node → Bundle of His → Purkinje fibres
 b) SA-node  →  AV-node → Bundle of His → Purkinje fibres
 c) SA-node  →  Bundle of His  →  AV-node  →  Purkinje fibres
 d) AV-node  →  Bundle of His  → SA-node   →  Purkinje fibres

Q. 5

Water circulatory system in found in
I. Sponge         II. Hydra
III. Annelida     IV. Starfish
V. Arthropoda
Choose the correct option
 a) I, II and III             b) III, IV and V                 c) I, II and IV                d)    II, IV and V

Q. 6

Which of the following is an example of buffer system in blood?
 a) Haemoglobin and oxyhaemoglobin                 b)    Oxygen and carbon dioxide
 c) Albumin and globulin                                        d)    Sodium bicarbonate and carbonic acid

Q. 7

ECG is a graphical representation of the electric activity of the heart during
 a) Cardiac systole    b) Cardiac diastole
 c) Cardiac cycle       d) Ventricular and atrial diastole

Q. 8

Which is correct for artery?
 a) Thick-walled in which blood flows at high pressure
 b) Thin-walled and blood flow with low pressure
 c) Thick-walled and blood flow with low pressure
 d) None of the above

Q. 9

Human blood consists of
 a) Fluid matrix            b) Plasma                        c) Formed elements                  d) All of the above

Q. 10

Identify wheather the given statements are true or false for double circulation
I. It checks the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
II. It carries only oxygenated blood
Choose the correct option accordingly
 a) I-False, II-False       b) I-True, II-True        c)    II-False, True        d)    II-True, False

Q. 11

To obtain a standard ECG, the patient is connected to the machine with three electrical leads. These three electrical lead are connected as one each to the
 a) Biceps and third one at the ankle         b)    Triceps and third one at the ankle
 c) Thigh and third one at the ankle           d)    Wrist and third one at the ankle

Q. 12

The blood pumped by the …A… ventricle enters the …B… artery, whereas the …C… ventricle pumps blood into the …D…
Choose the correct option for A, B, C and D
 a) A-right, B-pulmonary, C-left, D-aorta                 b)    A-left, B-pulmonary, C-right, D-aorta
 c) A-left, B-pulmonary, C-right, D-vena cava         d)    A-right, B-pulmonary, C-left, D-vena cava

Q. 13

The deposition of lipids on the wall lining, the lumen of large and medium-sized arteries is referred to as 
 a) Deep vein thrombosis    b) Stokes-Adam’s syndrome
 c) Osteoporosis                 d) Atherosclerosis

Q. 14

Which test tube is not used from the given option for keeping the blood in non-coagulated state? (for analysis of blood corpuscles)
 a) Test tube with heparin                     b)    Test tube with calcium bicarbonate
 c) Test tube with sodium oxylate         d)    Test tube with low temperature

Q. 15

The closed circulatory system is found in 
 a) Insects            b) Lobsters                  c) Frog           d) Clams

Q. 16

SA node is called the pacemaker of heart because
 a) It can change the contractile activity generated by AV node
 b) It delays the transmission of impulse between the atria and ventricles
 c) It gets stimulated when it receives neural signals
 d) It initiates and maintains the rhythmic contractile activity of heart

Q. 17

A substance present over the surface of RBCs and  is genetically heritable is called as
 a) Blood group     b) Haemoglobin         c)    Antibody     d) None of these


Q. 18

Tachycardia is 
 a) Fast heart rate    b) Slow heart rate    c) Stop heart rate    d) Normal heart rate

Q. 19

Lymphocytes (20-25%) are of two major types, B and T forms. They are responsible for
 a) Blood coagulation            b)  Thickness of blood         c) Immune responses          d) All of these

Q. 20

Tricuspid valve is present in 
 a) Right atria and right ventricle     b) Left atria and left ventricle
 c) Wall of atrium                             d)    Wall of ventricles

Q. 21

The first heart sound ‘Lubb’ occurs in which phase of the cardiac cycle?
 a) Isometric relaxation         b) Atrial diastole              c) Ventricular systole         d)    Ventricular diastole

Q. 22

The progenitors that are formed in bone marrow and differentiated elsewhere are 
 a) Pre NK-cells        b) Pre-erythroblast         c) Pre T-cells          d) Myeloblast

Q. 23

The largest RBCs have been seen in 
 a) Elephant       b) Whale        c) Amphibians        d) Man

Q. 24

Pulmonary artery differs from pulmonary vein in having
 a) No endothelium     b) Strong valves     c) Branner’s cells       d) Thick muscular walls

Q. 25

The structure of which of the following consists of a layer of single cell thickness?
 a) Blood capillary          b) Artery             c) Venule          d) Arteriole 

Q. 26

In normal humans, time taken for the normal blood clotting is
 a) 5-25 min         b) 30-50 min          c) 4-10 min        d) Few sec

Q. 27

Haemoglobin (Hb) transports oxygen from the lungs to tissues. The partial pressure of the oxygen in lungs is different from that tissues. Each Hb can bind to up to four oxygen molecules. Suppose, we have an equal number of Hb and oxygen molecules and all the oxygen molecules are in bounded form. Then, which of the following is true?
 a) Almost all the Hb molecules have one bound oxygen molecule
 b) Nearly half of all the Hb molecules are bound to two oxygen molecules
 c) Nearly one-fourth of all the Hb molecules are bound to four oxygen molecules each
 d) Most of the Hb molecules have one bound oxygen molecule each; the rest either have no bound oxygen or have two or more bound oxygen molecules

Q. 28

Which of the following plasma proteins is involved in the coagulation of blood?
 a) Serum amylase                b) A globulin                 c) Fibrinogen              d) An albumin

Q. 29

Which one has the thickest wall?
 a) Right auricle        b) Right ventricle         c) Left auricle         d)    Left ventricle

Q. 30

Compare to blood our lymph has
 a) No plasma                                             b) Plasma without proteins
 c) More WBCs and no RBCs                     d) More RBCs and less WBCs

Q. 31

Parasympathetic neural signal decreases the cardiac output by
 a) Decreasing the speed of conduction of action potential
 b) Slowing down the rate of heart beat
 c) Increasing the speed of blood in veins
 d) Both (a) and (b)

Q. 32

Lead concentration in blood is considered alarming if it is
 a)  20 μg/100 mL           b)  30 μg/100 mL              c)    4-6 μg/100 mL              d)    10 μg/100 mL

Q. 33

Systolic pressure in adult human is
 a) 120 mm Hg              b) 120/80 mm Hg             c)  150/120 mm Hg           d)  80 mm Hg

Q. 34

Which nodal fibres lies along the right and left ventricles (interventricular septum)?
 a) Bundle of His                       b) Purkinje fibre              c) Neural tissue fibre          d)  Cardiac tissue fibre

Q. 35

Which of the following option describes all the components of human blood?
 a) A and B blood group                    b) AB and O blood group
 c) Rh and ABO blood group            d) Rh and AB blood group