
Suppose Anil's mother wants to give 5 whole fruits to Anil from a basket of 7 red apples, 5 white apples and 8 oranges. If in the selected 5 fruits, at least 2 oranges, at least one red apple and at least one white apple must be given, then the number of ways, Anil's mother can offer 5 fruits to Anil is _______ .

Related Questions :-

Q. 1

Let a1, a2, a3, .., an be n positive consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression. If d>0 is its common difference, then 

limndn(1a1+a2+1a2+a3+...+1an-1+an) is

Q. 2


(S1): limn1n2(2+4+6+...+2n)=1

(S2): limn1n16(115+215+315+....+n15)=116

Q. 3

limn{(212-213)(212-215)....(212-212n+1)} is equal to

Q. 4

limx0((1-cos2(3x)cos3(4x))(sin3(4x)(loge(2x+1))5)) is equal to _____ .

Q. 5

If α>β>0 are the roots of the equation ax2+bx+1=0, and limx1α(1-cos(x2+bx+a)2(1-αx)2)12=1k(1β-1α), then k is equal to